Wen's Woffle

An intermittent blog for work and play!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Just confirming that I am finally "blogged" on, and am now going to take off to eat my sandwiches!


At 12:19 pm, Blogger Leigh Blackall said...

Hi all. Really pleased to see you trying out blogger. Call me if you'd like any pointers :) Leigh, over in EDC

At 10:47 am, Blogger Wendy said...

Hi Leigh,
Will do, as I do stuggle with navigating the pages, and I thought I'd made it as private as possible, so the other team members would not be to intimidated by being in the public domain (so to speak). How did you come about finding us?
Your renovations look full-on, good luck with them. It will definately become 'your' home. what do the latest renovations look like? How close are you to finishing? We've been in our house 3 years and because it was so lovely inside, we've done nothing to it, but I've felt I'm living in someone else's house sometimes, so I'm doing a mosaic on the kitchen floor to put our family mark on it! By the way the sustainable building link is really interesting too. Thank you


At 7:44 pm, Blogger Merrolee said...

HI All at the Library... well done getting your blog underway - its all a bit of trial and error - but worth the energy as the possibilities are endless... Anyway Just wanted to let you know that Leigh passed on your blog link and that those of us (ie me) who are just a little ahead of you are egging you on to keep going!!


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