Wen's Woffle

An intermittent blog for work and play!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

RSS feeds

Here's two good explanations/examples of what RSS feeds are and how to use them. I've managed to add feeds for myself too!
http://weblogg-ed.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/RSSFAQ4.pdf (this has a creative commons license) and Leigh's "Using RSS" http://learnonline.wordpress.com/2007/03/21/using-rss/

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Librarian Avengers

A very funny librarian blog (tongue in cheek almost black humour) The FAQ page really tickled me. We're not all like that honest!

and the "Are you geeky enough to be a librarian?" page is funny too http://librarianavengers.org/2006/03/

Monday, March 19, 2007

Libraries on notice!

Thought this was great, had a good laugh at this one!

Changing Spaces in Libraries

Hi everyone,
My Library Manager is interested in the impact that new ways of learning and teaching have on our physical spaces. She wants to know what academics and students are doing this year, that might mean a different use for our library space, and how can we (the library), help to accomodate the changing learning environment?
I'm aware that our library is on the waiting list to have Wireless, and I have a few more suggestions such as having a central learning commons, group study rooms, virtual space environments-blogs etc. How do you use your library spaces? Are there teaching staff out there that have any new needs or noticed the changing environment? If so please let me know. What would you like to see happening in tertiary libraries? What's happening in your library? What about you librarians out there... are you experiencing changing spaces? What's happening for you in your library. What's changing?
I'd be really interested to know. Any feedback would be really helpful.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

William's Class Blog

Great to see William's class blogging. Left an encouraging comment.