Wen's Woffle

An intermittent blog for work and play!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blogs and learning (eFest 2006)

I like this quote "We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down"
Kurt Vonnegut

This site was forwarded to me by Leigh Blackall

What do you think about my blog?

Please post any comments regarding my blog and how you might see blogs working in libraries. Is there a place for them in our library? Is web2.0 technology useful for librarys and librarians to have? Have you a blog? Have you used a wiki? How can I encourage my work mates to give blogs and web2.0 stuff a go? Are you interested at all? If not why not? All answers are valid, and I make no judgements.

"First free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries."

I just found out about this and unfortunately missed it. However, the course content can be viewed from the site. http://www.sociallibraries.com/course/about

About Five Weeks to a Social Library

In this blog was a ink to this blog http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/ will look at later.

Web 2.0: Social Software Applications for Libraries

Just found out I can attend this course (2 weeks time). I'll let you know how I go. http://training.caval.edu.au/pdt/show_course.php?CID=247

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Personal histories recorded- StoryCorps

StoryCorps http://www.storycorps.net/ is a national [US] project to instruct and inspire people to record one another's stories in sound. StoryCorps is made possible with the generous support of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Corporation for Pubic Broadcasting and the Carnegie Corporation. WNYC Radio is the public radio sponsor of StoryCorps-Grand Central.” Examples of the recordings are:

  • “When I was nine, I weighed 250 pounds.”Johnnie Tyson tells her niece Sandra Fleming about growing up obese.
  • “She was determined to keep us together as a family.” Joyce Butler remembers her mother, who worked in a shipyard during World War II, in an interview with her daughter, Stephanie.
  • “What’s your life like now, Dad?”Priya Morganstern and Bhavani Jaroff interview their father, Ken Morganstern, who has Alzheimer’s disease.

    I’ve tried to find a NZ equivalent and found something similar at Te Ara : The Encyclopedia of New Zealand http://www.teara.govt.nz/NewZealanders/en However most were written entries and not recordings. It would have been wonderful to hear the accents etc of the New Zealand settlers, which is the extra dimension you get with StoryCorps. Check out the copyright agreements to reproduce/copy/ etc from either of the sites.