Wen's Woffle

An intermittent blog for work and play!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Doing research tutorial

This tutorial was created by library staff at University of Illinois at Chicago. Kate from medical forwarded the link to us. Again it's a really useful tool for classes. I would ask permission to use it in classes
before actually doing so, as I'm unsure of usage/permissions. It pays to ask!

basic searching module

This module is nearly completed http://oil.otago.ac.nz/oil/Wendy.html Take a look and see what you think. We've created this basic module to help students search for information. We're trialling it tomorrow in an OT class and also with students in a foundation course. It will be interesting to get the feedback from these sessions. For anyone interested in creating their own modules follow this link and take a look at the modules that have been created by the Information Literacy e-Learning Modules project team. You can find more resources available for download here http://oil.otago.ac.nz/oil/index/Resources-and-materials.html